Forgiveness Acrostic

Offense - Forgiveness Acrostic

Hi friends. Yesterday, I found out about Offense - Forgiveness Acrostic. Which could be very helpful to me and you. Forgiveness Acrostic

Absolution of wrongs brings life practically every time.

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Begging for forgiveness shows a heart that's been made right and is ready for it.

Clemency is pled for and granted when Light comes to interaction.

Discharge is both exertion and release... But best is release.

Exoneration is acquittal, an act of amnesty in creation.

Freedom is sovereignty, make no bones about it.

Grace is the most gift. It speaks fundamentally about love, a supreme and holy love.

Hallelujah is simply 'praise the Lord,' a pleasant attitude of grace.

I forgive myself. The least condemning thing you can ever do.

Justice is served in letting the grudge go, but not the consequence. It's a form of fairness.

Kindness is one of the most gifts of love. Forgiving man is one of the kindest acts.

Liberate me from what holds me without love.

Mercy is compassion that drives the heart forward in the performance of love.

Negotiate through life. Be prepared to give and then give some more.

Offenses are never an issue for the economical who love. Get beyond offense and live.

Pardon is more than manners. It's the way to issue man for God's use later.

Quietude is granted to the soul when free time comes.

Released: Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we're free at last!

Self-determination is the right of the habitancy who earns grace in the sight of the God.

Thanks: the parent virtue... It's a 'forgiveness facilitator.' Thank extravagantly.

Unshackled from anything retention you? When it happens it brings cause for much praise.

Veneration is from the saved heart, the heart that knows the plentifulness of life itself.

Worldly standards are perfectly transcended in the heavenly grace of true forgiveness.

X is a kiss. Kiss and make up. Sometimes it's the best way; sometimes it's the only way.

Yield at a time when pride wants this thing 'your way,' the way of stubbornness. It's not yours to keep. Giving forgiveness is simply returning to God what is his in the first place -- grace.

Zealous competition is defused and envying is a thing of the past with forgiveness.

© Copyright 2008, Steven John Wickham. All proprietary Reserved Worldwide.

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