Tips to Promote health and Wellness at a Workplace

Health - Tips to Promote health and Wellness at a Workplace

Hi friends. Now, I found out about Health - Tips to Promote health and Wellness at a Workplace. Which may be very helpful in my experience so you. Tips to Promote health and Wellness at a Workplace

Success of any club depends on the wellbeing of employees. It is requisite for every business to foster a safe and wholesome workplace to its employees. Following are few tips for employers to promote health and wellness at workplace.

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Clean and tidy atmosphere: A clean and tidy workplace not only ensures great productivity but also keeps employees healthier. To do this job, a good housekeeping staff is requisite for every organization. The premises and the desks at workplace should be kept clean by quarterly cleaning and dusting. Scrap should be collected into the trash bins and emptied regularly.

Devices such as telephones and computers should be cleaned commonly to eliminate the spread of germs. The cafeterias and kitchens attached to the office should also be clean and tidy. Dishes, surfaces of the tables and other appliances should be cleaned regularly. Expired food should be thrown away immediately.

Ideal temperature: Many studies have proven that improper temperature levels and poor indoor air potential affects the productivity and health of employees; hence permissible attention should be given it.

According to American society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (Ashrae), the temperature in the office environment should be in such a way that an worker wearing a normal clothing should feel neither too cold nor too warm. In order to enounce such conditions, they recommend maintaining 68-74 degrees F in winter and 73-79 degrees F in summer.

Improved indoor air quality: Researches conducted by the U.S. Environmental security branch (Epa) and others show that many indoor environments in Us are polluted than outdoors. This may badly affect the productivity and health of the working staff. Here are few suggestions to heighten indoor air potential at workplaces (few of them are given by Epa).

• Avoid blocking air vents or grilles
• succeed office and building smoking course
• dispose garbage right away and properly
• Avoid using bothersome odors or contaminants
• consist of some green plants that filter indoor air and prevent pollution
• Keep windows open as often as possible to take off toxins and to let fresh air come in
• Consult your factory boss if you guess indoor air potential problem

Drug testing programs: Though substance abuse is a personal problem of the employee, it is the duty of the club to make sure that none of its employees is working under influence. This not only creates wholesome workplace but also decreases worker absenteeism, mistakes at work, and reduces workplace accidents. In order to identify drug abusing employees, employers can make use of the following drug testing methods.

Pre-employment drug testing: This test is ordinarily conducted while the hiring process to recruit drug free employees. Persons with sure results for the test will be rejected immediately - no drug abuser will be able to make into the company.

Random drug testing: Random drug testing is ordinarily conducted on the existing employees, often without prior intimation or notice about the test. This kind of tests at quarterly intervals can effectively prevent drug abuse among the employees.

Post-accident drug testing: This test is conducted after an emergency at workplace. It helps the boss know either substance abuse by worker was the guess behind the accident.

Drug testing is an productive method to enounce a drug-free workplace environment. Above mentioned drug tests can be performed admittedly using on-site urine or saliva test kits that give accurate and dependable results within no time.

Strict rules on substance abuse: You need to make sure that all your employees are aware of the company's rules and regulations on drug abuse at workplace. Print an worker handbook which includes all the guidelines to be followed by an employee. Clearly mention that working under the affect of drugs is not standard and it should be followed by every employee, irrespective of designation.

Hope the above mentioned information helps you in promoting health and wellness at your workplace. health and security measures at workplace not only heighten employees' productivity levels but also transport that the business is organized and professional.

I hope you get new knowledge about Health. Where you may put to use within your day-to-day life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Health.


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